Ep 64: It's not the Economy. It's You. Now let's fix it.

Season #2

Ignite Your Bridal Business: Captivating Marketing Tactics for Dream Brides

Are you a bridal hairstylist or makeup artist looking to improve your marketing efforts? Have you heard these myths about understanding and targeting your specific audience (dream brides)? Myth #1: All brides care about is your artistic skill and not your personality. Myth #2: Social media is the only effective marketing platform. Myth #3: Price is the most important factor for brides. Stay tuned to discover the truth behind these myths and unlock the secret to attracting your dream brides.

If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with your marketing efforts, constantly trying different strategies but not seeing the desired results, then you are not alone! You may be investing time and money into social media ads, bridal fairs, and online directories, only to find that the bookings and business growth you're hoping for are not materializing. Instead of attracting your dream brides, you may be attracting clients who don't align with your aesthetic or who are not willing to pay your desired rates.

A robust digital identity is crucial for reaching and attracting your dream brides. This entails having a captivating business profile and an optimized online presence across various platforms. Moreover, diversifying your marketing channels beyond Instagram can lead to a more comprehensive and balanced online marketing strategy.  Let me show you how to do more with less when it comes to marketing your to grow your bridal beauty bookings.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover how to shatter self-imposed barriers and run a successful bridal business.
  • Gain insights to hone your brand's digital identity, elevating online engagement for prospective bookings.
  • Learn how to tap into the transformative power of a cleverly planned 30-day Instagram strategy tailored to our unique niche of the beauty industry.
  • Find out ways to rewire your thought patterns away from envy towards gratitude to drive business growth.
  • Understand how to identify, profile and cater to your dream brides, so you can enhance marketing outcomes.

This Weekā€™s Key Moments:
00:01:19 - The Impact of the Economy,
00:03:43 - Boosting Your Business,
00:09:06 - Shifting Your Mindset,
00:11:55 - Additional Resources To Help You Market More Effectively,
00:16:23 - "Introduction and Importance of Knowing Your Dream Bride",
00:17:57 - "Identifying Your Dream Bride",
00:20:03 - "Where Your Dream Bride is Shopping",
00:22:47 - "The Power of Evergreen Marketing",
00:25:07 - "Quality over Quantity in Marketing",
00:33:08 - "Understanding Your Motivation",
00:34:14 - "The Importance of Pricing"

  • Download the Engagement Season Checklist for a step-by-step guide to improving your business before busy booking season hits.
  • Purchase the 30 Day Instagram Challenge for $47 to optimize your Instagram profile and gain momentum in your business.
  • Listen to Episode 61 of the podcast on the Know Like and Trust Factor to learn how to build trust with your audience on social media.
  • Check out Episode 55 of the podcast for tips on better bridal branding and how it affects your online image.
  • Explore Masterclass Magic for additional guidance and support

Follow me on Instagram and DM me your thoughts on today's episode or leave me a review wherever you're listening! www.instagram.com/beautybizcollective Get more actionable tips to grow your bridal business on autopilot and  start saving my best tips for taking your bridal hair or makeup business to the Next Level.

FREE MASTERCLASS --> Book more brides and get more financial and personal freedom with my signature systems.

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