Assisting Do's and Don'ts For Bridal Beauty Professionals Looking To Book More Weddings

bridal team podcast


Following the pandemic, with the bridal boom, there are so many more weddings happening. If you don’t use a waitlisting strategy, something that might be at the front of your mind is how can I balance my time better? What can I implement to make sure I have consistent bookings? You can’t duplicate yourself. One option you may consider is building a team or including assistants in your schedule. 

When you overbook yourself and find that you have too many dates on the calendar, it might be worth it for you to “buy back” some of that time by hiring an assistant or to expand your income by offering your services as an assistant. If you choose to hire or work as an assistant, there are some specific dos and don’ts to keep in mind. 

Keep your commitments 

If you have been chosen by a bride as their bridal hair or makeup artist, it’s important that you keep that commitment. This means that an assistant to come with you to help on the wedding day instead of you hiring a subcontractor or a team to take over that date. This way, it allows the bridal party to have a better wedding day experience. You can alleviate some of the stress off yourself and avoid rushing services on the wedding day.  In turn, having that assistant with you will “buy back” some of the hours you are spending on your feet, keeping you energized and able to provide the best service as a stylist. 

Build relationships 

It’s not every wedding that we find ourselves needing extra help, but when you do have a good network of reliable people to count on it’s beneficial. In turn, if you find space in your calendar to assist other people, you are getting back hours of your life free from the administrative burden, reducing your mental workload, and allowing you to still put money in your bank account. 

Episode 37 – Assisting Dos and Don’ts for Bridal Artists

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Be realistic in your financial expectations 

Everybody needs to have reasonable expectations when it comes to what your compensation will be for assisting, or for paying an assistant. If you are the assistant, you cannot expect to make 100% of the fee charged. You are not responsible for the booking, for providing the schedule or for doing 100% of the work. You are there to make the booked company look good and to provide a wonderful experience for the bridal party. 

Don’t promote yourself when you’re assisting 

If you’re hired as an assistant, again, your job is to make the booked company look good and to save time and make a better client experience. So, what does that mean? You aren’t there to hand out your business cards or to talk about your own personal business. You aren’t there to discuss your role with the lead artist’s company or to promote your Instagram. You are there to provide x number of services and do x number of hair. Assisting jobs aren’t there for you to build your business. 

Don’t say yes if it’s not worth it 

If you have specific rates, you charge and expect to make, don’t accept a job if you don’t think it’s worth your time.  As a business owner, you can decide for yourself. There is nothing wrong with letting the artist know what you would typically expect for a fee, and if that doesn’t work for them that’s okay too. Don’t burn bridges by accepting something and then feeling resentful about it later. 

Always have an agreement in writing 

You should always have an agreement in writing discussing payment and payment terms. Whether you are hiring an assistant or the one assisting. It should lay out the terms for each wedding – so each wedding should have a separate agreement. By laying out the terms specifically – things like location, time, the number of hours expected to be on site, and number and specific type of services at the agreed upon rate, there can be no confusion about what the expectations and pay are. You also have a signed agreement stating terms if something were to happen already planned out. This opens the line for clear communication whether you are the assistant, or the lead artist hiring the assistant and shows that you respect each other’s time. 

Don’t expect to get paid under the table 

With every contract or job, if you are hired as an assistant you should expect to be signing a W-9 form. When you are assisting someone as an independent contractor, they are going to pay you and then report that amount to the government when they file taxes. You can’t expect a business owner to pay your portion of income taxes which is what will happen if you don’t fill out the form. That will come off as a shady, and greedy business practice and your future chances of working with that person again will be ruined. 

If you’ve wondered at all how people can afford to pay for assistants, you need to re-evaluate your pricing. You should include the cost for the extra help you will need in your rates to your bride if the wedding requires that. I do offer an Ultimate Pricing Guide for Bridal Artists to help you get your rates on the right track.

What's Next?

Grab your copy of The Ultimate Pricing Guide For Bridal Artists today and start seeing higher profits in your bridal beauty business.  Includes everything you need to work less and still make more by filling your calendar with Dream Brides ready to pay your rates.